Our Services

Loans solutions

Personal loans : Designed to help you handle unexpected emergencies and manage cash flow up to $2,000. Receive funds within 24 hours of request.

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Experience a unique savings journey with Dohzy's savings program, similar to traditional systems like 'Tontine,' 'Njangi,' or 'Likelemba.' Contribute a fixed amount monthly and watch your savings grow over a set period

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Financial education

We offer insightful webinars and newsletters to our community on financial topics, empowering them with the knowledge to make informed decisions on finances. Explore the world of finance with Dohzy.

Why Dohzy?

  • Speed : Response time to all of our services is 24 hours
  • Customisation : our services are tailored to the needs of our clients
  • Privacy : All transactions stay with Dohzy. They are not shared with any third parties

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Community Involvement

Mental health

Balancing Finance and Well-being : At Dohzy, we're not just about finances; we deeply value your mental well-being too. We recognize the emotional challenges that can come with managing finances, especially when you're far from home. That's why we offer a range of resources and educational tools to help you navigate the emotional aspects of financial well-being

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What makes us special ?

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Artificial Intelligence

Our system is powered by a custom made AI that is adaptive to our client base.
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Dohzy Score

The Dohzy Score is similar to credit score. It is an indicator of your credit reliability with Dohzy Inc. It ranges from 1-30.
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Data Driven

The platform is data driven and highly customised. Benefits, interest rates, loan range are all based on how you use the system.
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Dohzy uses state of the art encryption and security protocols to protect valuable information, while abiding to all law requirements.


  • Growth : we reward proper behaviour and allows you to progress within the system
  • Networking : we enable networking, marketing and collaboration between members of the dohzy network
  • Fairness : members are evaluated on history and patterns of behaviour and not a particular moment in time

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Our users

Where you were born and when you came to this country should not be a limitation to financial aide. Same as making financial errors in your past should not be a cross you have to carry your whole life. We take care of

  • Recently landed immigrant without an established credit score
  • People that have resolved their past financial issues but still getting punished
  • Someone that is organized with money but ran into a cash flow emergency

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Frequently asked question

In what countries does Dohzy operate ?


What is the diaspora ?

The diaspora is people that have settled in a country that is not their ancestral homeland. They usually still have ties to their country of origin through family or culture

Do i have to be part of the african diaspora to use a Dohzy service ?

No you do not have to be part of the diaspora to use our services. We are open to everyone in Canada